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How Horses Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Many of you are probably already aware of the basic benefits of chiropractic care. It’s known to help relieve body pain, particularly around the neck and back. Furthermore, it offers other physical and mental benefits, including alleviated stress, improved athletic performance, and more.

But did you know that these benefits aren’t only for humans? That’s right, chiropractic care can (and should) extend to animals as well, like horses. But this may leave you wondering about how horses benefit from chiropractic care.

You’ll be surprised to know that equine chiropractic care exists, and it’s become popular among many horse owners. Take a look at the benefits chiropractors have on horses here!

Horses Benefit from Chiropractic Care

How Horses Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Equine chiropractic is a crucial element in maintaining optimum health. Think of it as having chiropractic care yourself, but for horses! This is becoming more popular among horse owners because of the increased demand for alternative therapies for their horses.

Like human chiropractic care, this is an art of healing focusing on restoring the horse’s spinal column’s normal movement and function. The goal is to improve healthy neurological activity, which will support better musculoskeletal function and health.

Here are just some of the ways horses benefit from chiropractic care:


Treat Musculoskeletal Issues

Horses work as a form of riding and transport. We also use them for carrying things, pulling carts, and other agricultural purposes. Horses are also used as a sport, while some are kept as pets.

With all the work horses do, whether at a farm or for sport, they will exert a lot of physical effort, which can result in musculoskeletal issues in the long run.

While horses may experience varying symptoms, here are a few common signs of musculoskeletal conditions in horses:

  • Awkward or stooped posture
  • Irregular gaits
  • Resistance to touch or jumping
  • Noticeable discomfort when saddled or ridden on
  • Changes in movement, such as shorter strides
  • Facial expressions that show signs of feeling pain
  • Uneven muscle development, pelvis, and/or hips
  • Holding the tail abnormally
  • Head tilt and difficulty in chewing
  • Difficulty in engaging the hind quarters
  • Difficulty in traveling long and low
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Difficulty getting up or down
  • Changes in behavior and attitude
  • Hesitating to do any usual movements such as picking up their feet, stepping down from a trailer, refusing jumps, etc.
  • Difficulty in bending to one side
  • Back, neck, and/or tail pain

If you can see your horse experiencing any of these symptoms or other odd changes, then you’ll need to have it checked with the veterinarian. The vet will be able to determine whether the horse has a musculoskeletal issue that an equine chiropractor can have checked and treated.

Equine chiropractors will be able to diagnose your horse with whatever musculoskeletal issue they have and spot the root cause of the pain. Afterward, the chiropractor will use the appropriate treatments to help solve the condition naturally, without any medication or surgery.


Reduced Stiffness and Tension

Even your horse can suffer from acute or chronic joint and muscle tension, which will affect their ability. If your horse can’t move well due to the pain and tension, their comfort and performance will be negatively affected.

Moreover, if you ride your horse despite the unresolved muscle pain and tension, you may end up suffering from other health complications. Riding your horse may also cause accidents and injuries, which end up hurting both you and the horse in the long run.


Improved Performance

Equine chiropractic care isn’t only beneficial when health-related issues arise. Chiropractors can treat horses even when they are in optimum health, maintaining proper spinal alignment to help with their performance.

Chiropractic treatments can improve your horse’s athletic performance, allowing them to work excellently. This is because your equine chiropractor will correct any misalignments, which help improve your horse’s posture. And you’ll be surprised by how important posture is for one’s health and mobility!


Maintain Great Health

As your horse reaches their senior age, you’ll notice that they show signs of pain and discomfort. Just like us humans, horses also start to feel the effects of old age, which causes their musculoskeletal systems to slowly deteriorate.

While equine chiropractors can’t stop age-related symptoms entirely, they can greatly slow down their progression for your horse’s comfort.


It’s a Natural Treatment

As mentioned, chiropractic care doesn’t involve medication or surgery. Treatments are drug-free and non-invasive, making them beneficial for horses who are intolerant to medications.

Horses Benefit from Chiropractic Care

What to Expect During Equine Chiropractic Appointments

Before an equine chiropractor will diagnose and treat your horse, the initial appointment will involve performing a physical exam.

During this exam, the chiropractor will palpate the horse’s joints and check their range of motion carefully. This is known as motion palpation.

While joints in the spine are more focused on, the chiropractor will also evaluate your horse’s limbs. When the chiropractor identifies restricted joints, he will then correct them through an adjustment, which involves a gentle thrust to the affected joint.

After the appropriate adjustments are made, the joints will be palpated to ensure that there is an improvement in motion. While it may seem a bit scary, these adjustments are simple quick pushes on your horse. It will do your horse much better than worse, and it will only take about 15-30 minutes to complete!

Since the chiropractor must be at a specific angle to the horse’s spine and tall enough to stay above the horse, he will typically stand on a stable block. Throughout the appointment, most horses will feel relaxed and at ease. As such, sedation isn’t necessary. In fact, it’s not a desirable option as sedation will interfere with the horse’s nervous system and its ability to respond to the adjustment.


Wrapping It Up

Hopefully, you learned a lot about how horses benefit from chiropractic care here! If you have your own horse or pet that requires chiropractic care, don’t hesitate to contact us now. We also offer mobile chiropractic services for you to treat any body pain you may have.

Horses Benefit from Chiropractic Care

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