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How to Help Sciatica with a Chiropractic Adjustment and Stretching

If you have had sciatica, you know how painful and uncomfortable it can be. This type of pain comes from the lower back, traveling down the buttocks and into your legs and feet. Fortunately, there are different ways to treat the pain, including a visit to the chiropractor.

But how? Here’s a guide on how to help sciatica with a visit with a board certified chiropractor with Mobile Wellness Care and stretching.

How to Help Sciatica with a Chiropractic Adjustment and Stretching

About Sciatica Pain

The sciatic nerve is known as the longest nerve in our bodies. If we experience sciatic pain, it can cause severe discomfort in the entire lower body, from the back to the toes!

This pain is referred to as sciatica. Most people would experience sciatica only on one side of the body, being mild to severe.

The pain can come in different forms, such as numbness, tingling, or weakness around the lower back, buttocks, legs, feet and toes. When you experience sciatic nerve pain, it can be so excruciating that you can’t get out of bed or off the couch.

Here are the common causes of sciatica pain:

  • Ruptured or herniated disk pressing on the nerve
  • Bone spur pressing on the nerve
  • Spinal stenosis, or narrowing of your spinal canal
  • Nerve entrapment from tight muscles and fascia
  • Pressure on the nerve from inflammation/swelling
  • Injuries to the nerve from trauma

Sciatica can resolve on its own over an extended period of time, but of course, you would like treatment to lessen the symptoms. Furthermore, if sciatica is left untreated, it may lead to permanent nerve damage. You can do different types of treatments to relieve sciatic pain, such as pain medication and steroid injections.

However, not everyone wants to take pain medication or steroids, which can affect their daily lives and overall health. Fortunately, there are other options that can help with sciatica, such as chiropractic adjustments and daily stretching.

How to Help Sciatica with a Chiropractic Adjustment and Stretching

How to Help Sciatica with Chiropractic Adjustments and Stretching

Why go to a chiropractor for sciatica pain?

It’s an excellent place to start because chiropractors focus on spinal manipulation and manual therapies that help treat conditions, injuries and relieve pain. Here are some ways chiropractic care helps with sciatica:

  • They can diagnose your sciatic pain based on your medical history, examination and other necessary tests.
  • Manual therapies (including massage) can be used to relieve sciatic pain. This therapy induces deep muscle relaxation and releases endorphins that act as a natural painkiller.
  • Heat and cold therapies provide quick relief from pain. The heat releases tight muscles, while cold therapies slow down blood flow, easing inflammation symptoms.
  • Spinal decompression can relieve any nerve compression causing sciatic pain by lengthening the spine to enhance space between your vertebrae.
  • Ultrasound and other modalities help improve blood circulation, lessen cramps and swelling, along with pain and muscle spasms.

Another crucial therapy is the chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractors perform spinal manipulations, which help your herniated disc get back to position and reduce swelling, taking  pressure off the sciatic nerve. Such adjustments can free any limited spinal movement, restoring the misaligned vertebral discs.

Chiropractic adjustments can vary, ranging from quick high-velocity thrusts to using gentle pressure with minimal force. Chiropractors will move your lower back gently to avoid pressing on your sciatic nerve. As a result, your pain is lessened, and you gain more mobility and nerve flow.

Regular chiropractic adjustments will use these manipulations to relieve any other pain or muscle spasms, helping provide long-term relief.

In addition to chiropractic adjustments and traditional therapies, chiropractors will also recommend lifestyle changes, including adding proper posture, stretching and exercise. Stretches are crucial to help keep your bones and joints strong and lessen the chances of injuries or slipped discs that cause pain.


Here are a few stretches you can try to manage your sciatica pain:


Knees to Chest

In this exercise, all you need to do is to lie on your back then slowly hug your knees all the way to your chest for about half a minute. Repeat this stretch three times in a row, a few times a day.


Modified Cobra Stretch


To perform the modified cobra stretch, simply lie on your tummy with your legs together and extended. Your toes should be pointing out, your forearms and palms on the floor and close to the body.

Now, push up from the palms, partially straightening your elbows. This will bring your chest and tummy off the ground. Hold the pose for a few seconds and go back to your original position on the floor. Repeat the stretch ten times.


Seated Spinal Twist

Sit up with your legs in front of you. Bend your right leg, placing the right foot out of the left knee. Then, twist your body to the right, holding the post for 15-30 seconds. Repeat this stretch on the left side.


Low Lunge 

For the low lunge, step your left leg out in front of you, bending your knee to a 90-degree angle with your right foot flat against the floor. Then, lift your torso, putting your hands on the left thigh. Your left knee shouldn’t go over the toes and lift your torso enough to stretch the hips.

Hold the pose for half a minute, then do the same thing with the opposite part of your body. Feel more of the stretch by raising your arm above your body. When doing this, keep your elbows close to the ears.

There are also other stretches you can do, such as:

  • Pigeon pose
  • Hip rotators with a foam roller
  • Scissor hamstrings stretch
  • Back flexion stretches

If your sciatic pain persists for a week or more with no improvement, then it’s best to go to a doctor for further treatment.

How to Help Sciatica with a Chiropractic Adjustment and Stretching

Wrapping It Up

Up to 43% of the world’s population will experience sciatic pain at one point in their lives. While extremely uncomfortable, it is treatable with medication or traditional care. You can lessen the pain or prevent it from happening through regular chiropractic care and proper exercises and stretching.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with a reputable chiropractor, don’t hesitate to contact us today! We can provide high-quality services to help you and your body move the way they should.

How to Help Sciatica with a Chiropractic Adjustment and Stretching
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