In an effort to keep prices affordable and due to increased gas costs, all West Valley residents must call or text (480) 299-7192 to book an appointment.

What Chiropractors Find That Causes Back Pain

Whether you’re dealing with chronic or acute back pain, one thing is certain—continuing to take pain medication to get through your day isn’t a good long-term solution.

At Mobile Wellness Care, we look to uncover the root cause of your problem while developing a care plan that serves you and your unique needs.

If you’re not sure what’s causing your back pain, here are a few common culprits we see often.

pain is a symptom of deeper problem

Poor Back Posture

Keeping your spine properly positioned all day is hard work. For most of us, slouching happens when we use our phones, computers or even watch television. When we fall out of proper posture, the muscles in your back can start to hurt.

Problems with Scoliosis

Your spine has a natural curve—but some people have an additional curvature that can cause problems. Scoliosis can be mild, moderate, or severe.

A Mattress with Poor Back Support

How long have you been sleeping on your current mattress? If it’s been longer than 7 years, your mattress has likely lost its support and it may be time to purchase a new one

chiropractic helps with sleep

Flare-ups from Old Back Injuries

Have you ever been in a car accident? Or played sports? Injuries that are months, years and even decades-old can cause problems today.

Why? If the injury never healed properly, your body may have overcompensated for the injury, resulting in problems that are finally expressing themselves.

Fortunately, identifying the root cause of the injury can lead to success in care.

Stress Can Cause Back Pain

When you’re stressed, your muscles tighten. If chronic stress is a part of your life, so are tight muscles around the clock. As you can imagine, tense muscles that last for weeks on end can easily cause pain in the body.

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